Today was cloth diaper prep day! Many are skeptics, including Billy, but I'm determined to make it work! My initial motivation to cloth diaper our baby was the cost savings, but they are also cute and are better for the environment. I've been keeping track of my costs, to prove to Billy that it will, indeed, be cheaper. I have 28 diapers now and my total costs, including 3 packs of detergent(135 loads) and a diaper can, and a diaper rash stick is $333. With disposables costing somewhere around $50/month, my break-even point will happen pretty quickly, even with the cost of energy to wash/dry. My average cost for each diaper I bought was $12.62. I also received 4 as gifts.
All varieties I bought are one size, so they will grow with us from newborn, to potty training, and can be used for multiple children.
For the record, and in case anyone is interested, I bought a variety of brands based on sales and recommendations from others:
9 Kissa Fitteds
4 Covers
(the above count as 9 diapers, because you can reuse the covers for multiple changes)
6 BumGenius Pocket Style
6 Charlie Banana Pocket Style
2 Fuzzi Bunz Pocket Style (1 as gift)
2 KaWaii Nighttime Pocket Style
3 Awesome Blossom Pocket Style (gifts)
Initially, I thought the pocket style would be easier and overall higher quality, but I really think the fitteds will be more simple for us and the ones we reach for first. I bought a variety, to see which is better, and then maybe buy more later. I've heard it can differ, depending on the size of your baby and the amount they typically wet at a time. I do know that I am going to wait at least a couple weeks after he is born to begin all of this! After we get this going, I will try to review which works best.
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