Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Mid Week Musings...

I read an article in the newspaper about how Duquesne is doing their students a disservice by not supporting a student atheist group. Perhaps the author did not get the memo that this is a Catholic institution and harboring a group of atheists doesn’t not really jive with the mission.

I saw the Lowe’s pulled their advertising from the new TLC show, All American Muslim. This was supported by Glenn Beck…who has a new reality show about a father training his family to live off the grid in case of economic/natural disaster. This led me to connect the dots about how this also crossed Billy’s mind and told me over dinner this weekend about his “off the grid” plan as well. After I spit out my food I was laughing so hard.

A student emailed me to ask if I knew if Penn State used the same chemistry book as we do. How on earth would I know that?

Another student stumbled over saying Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to me and then explained the stutter by saying he was so used to saying Happy Hanukah. To who? Again, with the Catholic university…

So far I have received only 4! Christmas cards. C’mon people!

I don’t think this is as good as the Jimmy Kimmel prank on kids and Halloween candy, but this is pretty good:

6 more work days!!

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