Monday, August 5, 2013

41 weeks

After two weeks of fun in North Carolina, we're headed home to WV. This will be our first trip with a layover...which may be a good thing. I'm armed with puffs, toys and even downloaded a fe pw Sesame Street podcasts in case of emergency. I'm so scared of having a screaming baby on an airplane! And if you have ever met Will, you know he's not one to jut sit on my lap for an hour. But what  9 month old is?

This week, he had his second boat ride, which was a miserable experience, so we turned back home pretty quickly. His cousin, Lucas was a sleeping angel though! When we got back from the ride, we pulled up the crab traps, fired up the steamer and had a mini crab feast. Yum! The funny thing is that a few weeks ago when Billy was eating crabs in Annapolis, they were paying about $80/dozen for crabs. Yikes! Our crabs were obviously free!
It was so fun seeing the baby cousins together. I would have bet that they would barely acknowledge each other, being 9 and 6 months old....but not so! They were both interested in touching each other, grabbing hands, and taking toys. They were a pretty constant source of entertainment. And my brother got a taste of how exhausting a mobile baby is going to be.
Will started cruising on the couch this week, and we sort of got him to say "bye-bye" and wave. In the two weeks we have been here, it seems like he has progressed quite a bit. Probably from thconstant attention he was getting. He even learned how to open the cabinet and take out all of the contents!  You're welcome, Grandma!
So fun and I'm so glad we were able to have the extended time with my parents, grandparents and my brother's family. Not an easy feat, when we are spread from New Jersey to South Carolina!  The picture below just cracks me up!  Lucas is saying, "Will, you need to sit back down!"

And lastly, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that August is breastfeeding awareness month. I'm so glad it's something I chose to do, it worked for us, and at nine months, it still works for us.  In West Virginia, only NINE percent of mothers still breastfeed at six months.  A number that baffles me.  It's not easy, I know, especially in the beginning, but having the support of friends, relatives, doctors and nurses is so key to success if it doesn't seem like it's working at first.  So in light of being aware in August, here is this funny little guy:

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