Thursday, February 7, 2013

My Grandma called on Monday during the day and she said that she was surprised I was home. What? Seriously. My calendar is empty with the exception of Will's ped. appt and a Moms club gathering. Where did she think I would be in this new town?

I gave Will TWO bottles this week! Success! Both were while I was mall walking. Yes. I found a group of moms at Panera who do laps around the mall with their strollers. And the city park when it's not AS lame as it sounds! Plus, I'll do just about anything to meet some people! Through that, I learned about a baby wearing workshop and anther moms cafe once a month. So maybe my calendar is filling up...

Billy asks me often if I am getting tired of staying home with the babe. Right now it is winter and snowed for 6 consecutive days, so that was a little rough. But overall, I'll give it a resounding NO! Just not having to think about what I'm going to wear to work the next day is one of the best parts. Sometimes, I don't even get out of my pajamas until 3pm, and that is only so Billy doesn't think I'm a total slob.

Most nights, I hand Will off to Billy so I can take a shower. He always tells me to hurry up, but I do the opposite. Usually, by the time I get out, he is rocking Will in the chair with the pacifier and Kenny Chesney on iTunes. He looks like he had been consoling a screaming infant for hours and I find it hilarious! Sometimes, I bring Will into the bathroom when I shower, but it's just a long and confusing game of peek-a-boo for him and ends in crying.

I realized during the Super Bowl that during last year's game was the last time I had a beer. A year! With no end in sight...le sigh.

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