Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The internets in the Hudgins house are down so we're trying this from the phone.

We're still busy with the new house and trying to get everything set up. Well, mostly Billy. My job is to just watch Will. I did get to finish up his room this weekend though. I think the only way to add pictures on here is all of them at the bottom of the post....

Will made his debut in the high chair this week too! It depends on his mood, but when it's good, he'll sit and play with his toys while we are at the table. And by play with his toys, I mean put everything in his mouth. Now that he can use his hands a little better, he is exploring. We think that he may be beginning to teeth too because my usually happy baby is more cranky lately.

It's still sometimes shocking to me how very large he is. It's a matter of weeks before he outgrows his infant car seat. Graco says it should be used for up to 35lbs but he is seriously smushed in there! BRU is having their trade in event, so I think we're going to upgrade next week.

It's almost 70 degrees today so we're going to go check out the city park. It snowed 3 times last week and we didn't have our snow shovel. Billy gave it away in PGH bc he heard it didn't snow where we live now. Awesome. So happy to be able to get out of the house though!

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