But seriously, my goodness this is the coldest winter I have endured in my life. Tuesday we're going to reach a high of seven, and then it looks like it should get back to close to normal. Our gas bill should be lovely. This 58 year old house has a hard time staying warm! And this is how I really feel:
I took Will to his 15 month well visit on Friday and it was a doozy! I think he's starting to have a prolonged memory, because as soon as I put him on the scale, he lost it! Measuring his head and length caused hysterics, so you can guess how the shots went! The dr. tried to give him a lollipop, but he didn't know what to do with it...so no help there. I tried to put Thomas on my phone, but it was just too rough a situation to cure. Poor buddy. But he is 30lbs now and 33.5 inches...so still off the charts, but not as far away from average range as he was at the last visit. I think it is because he gives Patton 1/2 of his food.
Speaking of food, I've been participating in an online childhood nutrition class and it has really helped me realize how easy it can be to make more of our own food. Last week, I tried homemade bread and pasta sauce. Neither were spectacular, but it's a start, and I'll get there! As a family, we're working to "clean up" our diet and start spending a little more to get better quality food. I don't think Billy is ready to give up his Pop Tarts or hot dogs, but I never ate that garbage to begin with. And luckily, Will is still young enough to think raisins are treats.
And for the weekly humor:
-As we were going to bed, I was showing Billy a video of Will's animal sounds. He noted that Will is getting "...a little lazy with his monkey sounds." Hmmm...I guess we'll work on that.
-I was tossing Will's diapers into the wash and out of the bag came a book, my belt, and a puzzle piece. Perhaps I should keep a closer eye on him!