This month's topic was about mom comparison. It was something that I didn't think I really got involved with, but the more I thought about it - oh yes, I do. And social media makes it so easy to get sucked in! Not just with parenting skills, but who looks more well-rested, the bigger SUV, house, cuter kids clothes, more creative lunches, time for crafts, literally goes on and on.
Now, I love facebook and it is how I keep in touch with many friends and look at their pictures(not for comparison purposes). But how many people on there are I not close with? And how do I spend my time...cruising their pictures too. And when am I doing this? During down time, when nothing really exciting is going on in my house. Say...taking a break from laundry...oh look, so-and-so is enjoying a cocktail in the Caribbean. Does that generally make me feel thankful for what I have? Not as much. And, I seem to often forget that we are looking at a VERY edited view of someone else's life. It's easy to keep the ugly out. Have you seen a picture of my messy house? Obviously, not.
The more I began to think about it...the more my brain starting much time am I wasting looking at this on my phone? SO MUCH. So after the meeting, I deleted the app from my phone and have been far less distracted, and able to focus more on playing with Will and direct all of my attention to him when we're playing. And guess what - I don't think I've missed anything.
Circling back to the social media and comparison topic...we talked about Pinterest too. Someone said it is the devil's website - ha! I'm not as big into pinning as other people, but I do find it useful for finding new recipes and some DIY and craft ideas. It can see how it would get pretty easy to get carried away on Pinterest though...pinning new kitchens, bedrooms, vacations, and other things that we don't or won't ever have. I think goals, and dreams are healthy, obviously, but it probably does not make me appreciate what I do have. And let's be real - who is doing even 5% of what they pin? Salads in mason jars? Really? Last week, our pastor had a great quote, which stuck with me and has great application to this topic - The degree to which I am blessed staggers me... the degree to which I take that for granted shames me.
What I think helps combat a lot of the comparison is connections with other moms/women. Once you get to see their REAL life, you realize that they have similar struggles and vulnerabilities and it's not as perfect as the facebook photos. We are all trying to keep it all together, and I think when you see that others aren't perfect - or don't have a child sleeping through the night either, you gain a sense of relief. At least, I do. It's a comfort and for me, provides a lot of support once everything isn't so hidden.
One last little note and then I'll get to then the weekly dose of Will pictures. One person noted that she never wanted to have people over because her house was a mess. Someone else said that people should leave your house feeling better about themselves, not feeling better about you. Haha - well, folks, come on over to my house and you'll feel great about your own messes, I promise!
So a little bit of a soapbox this week, but I thought it was good to think about.
This week, sleep has not been too great. Thank you, molars! One day, my child will sleep through the night and I will rejoice!
Thanks for tuning in! :)
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